May 30: Happy Hour WrapUp

AnnmarieKelly.WCBM..webMelissa Dribben, health and science columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, joined me for Happy Hour to talk about age and aging. You know, some people say age is just a number but not everyone feels that way. Certain ages hit you in different ways. That’s what was on Melissa Dribben’s mind last year as she was approaching her 60th birthday. So today, thanks to Melissa’s own special brand of reality humor, we talked about how that frightens and annoys a lot of us…and how, sometimes, getting older has perks of its own. Here’s the article Melissa wrote about turning 60: OLDER
In my monologue, I talked about the crazed man who killed seven people in Santa Barbara last week. I referenced two twitter feeds:

  • #yesallwomen
  • #notallmen
    • Some of it’s a little shocking, but it’s worth at least a quick look
    • Also, there was this other article by Phil Plait: Slate

I also talked about the work of Jean Kilbourne. Once you take a look at what she exposes, even just what she has on her site, you won’t look at advertisements the same way again. JeanKilbourneVideo
Hope you can join me next week, from 3-4pm, at the Friday Happy Hour.
Live and local: 1520AM
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