Are You an Influencer?

Women’s History Month is the perfect time to focus on INFLUENCE, the March Victorious Woman theme. Women who make history often do so because they are influencing experts. They know how to create influence for themselves and they know how to influence other people and events.
Yet many women push influence away. If you think you might be one of them, ask yourself why. The answer could make the difference between merely surviving from day-to-day and advancing your life and career into the one your really want, that makes you really happy.
You are likely pushing influence away if you:

  • Don’t like attracting attention; it’s safer to fly under the radar
  • Speak up, or speak up too often, others might think you are acting like a Power Bxxxx
  • Don’t like rocking the boat, you would rather keep the peace
  • Think you have more influence being in the background and letting someone else be the “spokesperson”
  • Want a seat at the table but don’t think you are good enough. After all, you’ve been working hard so, if you were good enough, someone would have noticed.
  • See yourself as a small fish in a big pond

We’ll be looking at some of these over the next month. If you have questions, send them to me and I’ll explore them here or in Kelly’s Café.

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Founded by Annmarie Kelly, the Victorious Woman Project is a female empowerment resource containing articles, classes, books, podcasts and other tools for women over 40.

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