Happy Hour: After the Show

DSCN0393After the Show Wrap-Up

On today’s show I talked about getting ready for your spectacular new year in 2014. Something I said was about making sure your goals are in line with your values. But I find that so many women aren’t really clear about their values, which is how so many women stay stuck in situations they don’t like. That’s why I included a Values Tracker in the Victorious Woman’s Victory Kit. You can sign up for that today and, when you do, two things will happen, you’ll get immediate access to three things: the interactive “What Kind of Woman are You?” quiz, the Values Tracker and instructions for making your own Vision Board for 2014. You’ll also be part of the Victorious Woman community where you’ll regularly get victory-making tips and ideas and stay in the loop about upcoming radio show guests, classes, and other Victorious Woman events. You can do that now: Victory Kit
I also talked about making a list of strengths and weaknesses and promised you a list to get you started. Here’s why it’s important:
— Your strengths are what will support and push you forward as you work through the process of achieving your goals.
— Weaknesses are where you’ll find the sabotage-creators. You want to know them because that’s how you’ll most easily see where you need help.

  • For example, if you are passionate about some thing or some idea, that will propel you forward. However, if you hate the detail stuff, that can easily derail you.
  • So  finding some method for handling details or finding someone who is a detail-hound hound can make the difference between failure and success.
  • But if you don’t know what’s what, you can’t help yourself.

Here’s what you can do: Look at the traits below. Pick the ones that you possess. Divide them up into two columns (strengths and weaknesses). FYI: This list is not an all inclusive list. It’s designed to simply get you thinking. Are you…
Creative – Enthsuiastic – Open to New Experiences – Independent – Leader – Follower – Hard-working – Gregarious – Shy – Quiet – Risk-taker – Fearful – Perfectionist – Talkative – Fair-minded – Authentic – Persistent – Lover of Learning – Can’t follow a Budget – Agreeable – Good Girl – High Energy – Detail-Oriented – People-Person – A Connector – Good Communicator – Good with money – Warm – Prgamatic – Touchy-Feely – Dominant
Around 3:15, “The Priestess” (Unitarian Minister Ann Keeler Evans) joined us. The conversation shifted from totally practical into something magical…and, after all, this is the Christmas season, the most magical season of all! Ann showed you how to turn the Twelve Days of Christmas into your spiritual and practical transition into 2014.
Ann and I talked about it and now you can read it the way Ann wrote it – and it’s Ann Keeler Evans’ Christmas gift to you! Go to sacredvillage.org. And you can reach Ann at ann@annkeelerevans.org

Thank you for coming to the Friday Happy Hour!

I wish you…

no stress during the next week

blessings every day

and a

Very Merry Christmas!

And join me for Happy Hour next week when I’ll be dishing with Pam Mariani about our best and worst list of 2013 on 12/27 at 3pm on www.WCHE1520.com

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