Do-Over#4: Self-Care Planning

Woman Receiving MassageSelf-Care Makes a Difference

Do-overs demand work, time and energy. Make sure you get a self-care plan in place. You must make time to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. If you don’t, you’ll burnout before you victory yourself to success. Try these tips:

Self care Tip #1: BREATH

  • Breathe. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? However, the realities is that, in the midst of do-overs, chances are you are breathing swallow breaths, maybe even hyperventilating. So, three times a day, take one minute (or 3-4-5 minutes) to breathe deeply. Belly-breathing is your best bet.

Self care Tip #2: Exercise

  • Exercise. Do something that gets yours heart pumping and do it at least thirty minutes, three times a week. You don’t have to join a gym. You can walk or jog around the block, dance (in a class or just around your living room), workout with an exercise CD, play tennis or racquetball

Self care Tip #3: Massage

  • Get a Massage. There is a lot of research about the health benefits of massage. In addition, according to the Mayo Clinic, “some people enjoy massage because it often involves caring, comfort, a sense of empowerment.” Yes…that’s the ticket!

Self care Tip #4: Walk

  • Walk. Get up and walk around – even if it’s just walking around the dining room table two times on your way to the bathroom. Even just that small amount of movement helps your brain.

Self care Tip #5: Drink Water

  • Drink water. A glass of water every hour will keep your body and mind refreshed – and it’ll give you a reason to get up and walk around (see the “walk” tip)!

Self care Tip #6: Laugh!

  • Laugh. In the midst of change, it’s really easy to forget some of the basics. Laughter doesn’t just make you feel better. Research shows that laughter has a multitude of benefits, both mental and physical.
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