1.29.16 RadioWrapUp: Women and Money

AnnmarieKelly.WCBM_..web_-150x120Karen Hassett from the Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union talked with us about ways to get in control of our money – for now, so, when we’re ready for retirement, we can enjoy our later years.
Karen has a series of classes that you might be interested in, and they’re free. Check them out at FMFCU
Today’s quote is from the incredible Katherine Hepburn:

“If you’re given a choice between money and sex appeal, take the money. As you get older, the money will become your sex appeal.”

I’m planning or being sexy into my 90’s. Hope you are too. Now, there’s something to think about this week…

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Who is Annmarie Kelly?

Annmarie Kelly is an Author, Speaker & Lifestyle Influencer. She helps women LIVE VICTORIOUSLY – out loud and in living color! I help women develop their own personal victory strategy so they can solve problems, transform adversities into opportunities, achieve their goals and create relationships where they feel valued.

Victory Chicks Radio

The Victory Chicks Radio is a Podcast written and produced by Annmarie Kelly. It delves into topics that will inspire and empower women to be their best selves. Initially called The Friday Happy Hour, it is now known as Victory Chicks Radio.

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